Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Training in Houston

Learning jiu-jitsu is an adventurous journey. Any adventure is always filled with some problems to overcome. Not all obstacles are severe; some can be silly due to a lack of experience. One can overcome the challenges with the help of experienced coaches and senior students at BJJ gyms in Texas during the training. When you start learning a new skill that is complex can result in facing few difficulties. Just you need to remember that it is part of the journey. We are here to help you know a few problems common to new students at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training.

1. Remembering the techniques

Every new trainee feels that remembering a new technique is a problem, but it is not so. It is the most common difficulty faced by all the students. Everyone around you struggles in learning the complexities of BJJ.

Repetition is the mother of mastery. Start focusing on the fundamental techniques and practice them thoroughly. Don’t pour too much stuff in your mind at a time. Climb a rung in each step and reach the goal. Taking notes of the moves after going home and watching the videos of the movements on youtube will help you overcome this slight difficulty. 

2. Muscle pains

When you initiate the training, your muscles undergo stress as the grappling techniques demand high physical activity than any other regular activities.  Fingers suffer pain due to gripping the Kimino (GI), and you feel pain in abdominal muscles due to extensive ground moments in the techniques. The simple solution for this is to be regular to the jiu-jitsu gyms. The discipline you acquire can help you adapt to the body’s new demands once the awkward and challenging move becomes easy. 

3. Severe Injuries 

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a combat sport. Injuries are pretty evident during these kinds of sports. Find good Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gyms near me whose priority is to train safely. We suggest you not worry about injury and quit training. Try to be away from the gyms to prevent further damage due to injury. Consult a better doctor and recover soon to resume learning.

4. Eat Healthy Food 

Any heavy physical activities demand healthy food. Similarly, a healthy diet is part of the lifestyle of Jiu-jitsu training in Houston. Straight to the nitty-gritty, you need to consume food with high water content, fresh fruits, legumes, greens and sprouts. Don’t eat starch, carbohydrates and proteins in the same meal. Maintaining a strict routine food diet is a challenging task. According to the research, a cheat meal every one week can also render positive results.

Leaving all these challenges apart, one can experience the true beauty of the sport by training. BJJ is a martial art. People remember the first word, i.e. ‘Martial’ and ignore the latter one, ‘Art’. Consider it as an art form. It is where two artists combat to create their masterpieces. Remember, anything worth learning is complicated. Jiu-Jitsu is an art that is fun and rewarding to learn.


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